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Nux Vomica 30C Homeopathic
Nux Vomica 30C Homeopathic

Size: 12g medicated sucrose pillules

• Ailments from Hangover and Overindulgence of Rich Foods
• Sleeplessness, 3:00am, Irritable and Oversensitive
• Sore Throat, Flu, Colds and Runny Nose
• Indigestion, Bloating and Heartburn

Nux Vomica is a remedy famous for hangovers and overindulgence in rich food. People who need this remedy are often very chilly. Emotionally they tend to be tense, irritable and over sensitive. They suffer from digestive complaints and although they feel much better for vomiting, they find it difficult to do so. They often work and play very hard, surviving on a diet of coffee, alcohol and tobacco, despite the adverse effect it has on them. For best results take the remedy a few hours before going to bed.

Common Uses:
• Colds with a stuffed up nose
• Constipation
• Cramp
• Hay fever
• Hangovers
• Headaches, with splitting pain
• Heartburn
• Indigestion
• Irritable and oversensitive
• Sleeplessness, 3:00am
• Sore throat

General Symptoms:
• Marked irritability
• Very chilly, feels the cold
• Worse with movement
• Ailments from loss of sleep
• Craving for alcohol, cigarettes and other stimulants
• Cramps
• Ineffectual urging
• Worse from tightness such as clothing
• Better for free discharges

Mental Symptoms:
• Ambitious
• Fastidious, irritable and critical of others
• Impatient
• Oversensitive to all impressions

• Early in the morning especially around 4am
• Cold, overindulgence, overeating, tight clothing, pressure
• Free discharges, naps, during the evening, warmth

Suggested Use

Administer 1-2 pillules under the tongue or dissolve in water every 30-60 minutes until symptoms improve. Do not administer within 15 minutes of food or drink. Once symptoms improve, stop remedy. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare provider. Caution: Pregnant, breast-feeding and people with known medical conditions and/or taking other medications, ask a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool place and out of direct sunlight. Keep away from children.

NOTE: There are over 4,000 Homeopathic remedies not to mention the varying potencies. The best ways to administer homeopathics are to use those selected by a qualified homeopath specific to the individual’s current symptoms, individualism and state of mind. The remedies listed on this website are the more common remedies historically used for the listed ailments. This does not mean they are the only remedies possible for the complaint presented and they may not be the correct remedy. As homoepathics are highly diluted substances, they are safe to use and try but keep in mind it is a complex form of study and medicine, so just because a remedy may not work, it is not homeopathy that is the problem it is the remedy choice.


Sucrose medicated pillules