GROUNDING, WARMING, NOURISHING: One-of-a-kind superfood complex for deep nourishment and adaptogenic immune support. The perfect companion product to Vitamineral Green, Earth Broth is warming, grounding, and savory.
UNIQUE BLEND OF ROOTS AND MUSHROOMS: This unique formula is loaded with nutrient-dense roots like astragalus, burdock, yacon, and ashwagandha and immune-supporting reishi, shiitake, and maitake mushroom extracts.
DIVERSE HERBAL COMPLEX: Also contains a diverse mix of beneficial herbs, including slippery elm bark, red clover, kelp, blessed thistle, and sheep sorrel.
COMPREHENSIVE PLANT SOURCED BROTH: The only herbal superfood complex of its kind. Try mixing powder with herbal tea, miso broth, or veggie soup.
HARD-CORE STANDARDS: Certified organic, vegan, kosher, and gluten-free. Our TruGanic Sourcing standard includes lab testing for GMOs and pesticides. No fillers, binders, flow agents.
GLASS PACKAGING: Product packaged in recyclable amber glass bottle which includes oxygen absorber and use of airtight metal lid.
HIGHEST MANUFACTURING STANDARDS: Family owned and operated. Made in the U.S. in certified organic, certified kosher, vegan facility. FDA registered cGMP compliant.
Earth Roots Complex
Astragalus Rootװ
Ashwagandha Rootװ
Burdock Rootװ
Yacon Rootװ
Dandelion Root Extract∞
Ginger Rootװ
Earth Seeds
Flax Seedװ
Chia Seedװ
Milk Thistle Seed Extractװ
Earth Herbal Broth
Chickpea Miso (Org. Handmade Rice Koji, Org. Whole Chickpeas, Sun-Dried Sea Salt, Blue Ridge Mtn. Well Water, Koji Spores)װ
Chili Pepper Fruit & Seedװ
Red Clover Flowerװ
Slippery Elm Bark (sustainably sourced)∞
Paprika Fruitװ
Kelp Leaf◊º∞
Watercress Leaf∞
Blessed Thistle Herb (Aerial Parts)װ
Sheep Sorrel Herb (Whole Herb)∞
Sage Leafװ
Cinnamon Bark (Ceylon)װ
Reishi Mushroom Extract (Fruiting Body)װ
Shiitake Mushroom Extract (Fruiting Body)װ
Maitake Mushroom Extract (Fruiting Body)װ
◊ Organic
° Wildcrafted
∞ TruGanic™
Suggested Use:
Suggested Use: Start with 1 teaspoon per day and increase gradually over two weeks to suggested use of 1 tablespoon per day, or as advised by a qualified health care professional. Consume with conscious, positive intent.
Suggested Adjuncts: A whole-food focused, organic, plant-based diet with emphasis on dark leafy greens and fresh, high-water-content vegetables and fruits; discover your local farmers market, enhance meals with herbs/spices (cilantro, ginger, cayenne, cinnamon) and high-quality sea salt/crystal salt sources.
Take with or in the same day as Vitamineral Green™ for a balance of yin/yang (Vitamineral Green and Earth Broth™ are designed to be used together for hard-core, comprehensive nutritional support), Liver Rescue™, Greener Grasses™, Truly Natural™ Vitamin C, and MacaForce™.
Remember the importance of quieting the mind, meditation, deep breathing, healthy sun exposure, fresh air (have you considered houseplants?), staying hydrated, exercise (try rebounding/qigong/yoga), dance, time in Nature, a low-EMF environment (try turning off wi-fi during sleep), saunas/heat therapy, periodic cleansing of heavy metals/parasites, and restoring the microbiome (research making your own cultured foods!).
Commit to realizing your full potential. Remember, substance is everything!
(Note: Earth drinks must be stirred frequently. The powder tends to settle.)
Earth Sweet Tea:
- 12 oz. hot water
- 1 tablespoons Earth Broth
- sweetener of choice
- pinch of sea salt
Optional Sweeteners:
- date syrup
- Mesquite powder
- coconut sugar
Nourishing Earth Broth:
- 12 oz. hot water
- 1 tablespoons Earth Broth
- 1-3 teaspoons miso powder or paste
Optional Additions:
- Dulse/nori flakes
- Red chile flakes
- Fresh Garlic